Overview of Software

Below are several software projects mostly based around the programming language SuperCollider. All resources for my software can be found on my GitHub page. Please visit https://github.com/andrewdavis33/.


sckernel is a kernel for Jupyter Notebook, an online platform for interactive code. Jupyter Notebook provides a clean, easy-to-read interface for interactive Python code. The framework for Jupyter Notebook allows for user-written kernels to support programming languages besides Python. sckernel integrates with Jupyter Notebook to provide web-based interaction with SuperCollider.

Why choose sckernel and Jupyter Notebook to interact with SuperCollider?

  • Notebook allows for textbook-like annotations and sections

  • Notebook allows for embeddable media and nicely formatted mathematical equations through LaTeX

  • For educators, the notebook provides a more welcoming and interactive environment

  • Runnable code cells allow for dynamic execution of SuperCollider code

For a complete overview of sckernel, please see the video below which was presented formally at SEAMUS 2021 virtually. For more information on the project including installation guides and other materials, please visit https://github.com/andrewdavis33/sckernel.

SuperCollider Resources

I have an ongoing repository of SuperCollider code focusing on effects, instruments, and sound design. Examples include SuperCollider implementations of reverb, vocoders, granulators, etc. Below is the link for the GitHub repository where these resources can be found. Please check back as I regularly updated the repo.

Repository Link: https://github.com/andrewdavis33/sc_library